Is sex off the table nowadays? It’s not just you. There are many people who feel the same. Undoubtedly, stress is one of the contributing factors in the depreciation of sex, but there are many reasons that can kill the mood.
Apart from lifts or a parking lot, the most preferred hotspot is obviously the home, where you will feel the most comfy. But how often have you checked the air quality indoors? Well, whether you believe it or not, certain components in your home can contribute to cutting down your sex life.
So basically, sex is just not off the table, it’s probably the table you are experimenting on that has the allergens making you keep the pants on. Your indoors contain several polluted allergens that can not only hinder brain functionality but can also raise the stress hormone, leaving you frustrated and irritated.
As per a recent study, Americans spend 92% of their time indoors and spend only 2% outside, with 6% spent for transit. An article published in Environmental Health Perspectives shows that the VOCs (volatile organic compounds) and carbon dioxide found everywhere indoors—from furniture to upholstery to plastics to newspapers—negatively impact cognitive function and decision-making. If your home is poorly ventilated, that’s an additional reason for stress buildup and lack of a quality sex life.
Here are a few tips on how you can fix the indoor quality and enhance your romantic life.
Get a Few House Plants
There are many powerful plants that can be easily grown indoors and have the ability to get rid of any pollutant chemicals lurking inside. Be it formaldehyde or any other toxins, air-filtering plants show that having 10-12 potted plants per 100 sq. ft. of room can remove unwanted odors and allergens such as cigarette smoke, pet dander, and chemicals used in furniture. Plants not only refresh our mood and body, thus alleviating blood pressure, improving focus and attention levels, productivity, and lowering high anxiety levels. Some of the best houseplants include English Ivy, Spider Plants, Snake Plants, Bromeliads, Jade, Schefflera, and Rubber Plants.
Air Purifiers Actually Work
Apart from houseplants, a HEPA air purifier that delivers quality air will also work in your benefit. There are many models available, ranging from portable to desktop to carbon-filter-induced air purifiers that have received amazing reviews from people when it comes to eliminating pollutants inside.
Check Your Mattress
The bed you sleep on also contains allergens that can affect your romantic experience. If you are using the wrong bed to sleep on or still working on a decade-old mattress, it can give you back pain, stress on the pressure points of your body, and affect any romantic adventures as well. Some mattresses, such as memory foam (especially during their initial days of use), can emit smells that affect the indoor air quality. Make sure you are opting for the right ones that are organic and allergen-free to maintain good air quality in your home.
Change Your Ambience
Are you using CFL lights in your bedroom? If you are not aware of the truth, well, here is the breaking news. CFL lights are loaded with mercury, one of the toxic elements ever found on Earth. They come with at least 5 mg of mercury, which is about 200 times the amount of mercury in a flu vaccine shot. In fact, a CFL bulb has enough mercury to pollute 6,000 gallons of water. While tube fluorescent bulbs have diffusers to cut off the UV radiation emitted by the lights, CFLs do not have a diffuser and can easily harm people who are exposed to UV rays by triggering various skin disorders, skin cancer, etc.
If you want to lead a better life, take care of your indoor ambience to make it pleasant, romantic, and safe for your life and your precious ones as well.
How’s Your Bedroom?
Have you installed a fireplace in your bedroom? Do you light candles to add a tinge of romance to your life? While consummating on a cold night near the fireplace might leave you starry-eyed, the smoke released from the wood can leave you lethargic when you wake up in the long run.
If you are planning a romantic gesture with candles, you might as well use beeswax candles that filter the air and clear out any poisonous elements indoors, rather than paraffin candles that come cheap but might cost you your health. This is because normal candles release carcinogenic soot when burned, which is the same as the soot found in diesel fuel fumes.
The above are a few changes to improve the air quality indoors. Ultimately, a clean home and true love are the keys to a happy relationship, which will leave you both wanting more.