Why Do Pillow Top Memory Foam Mattress Sink In The Middle!

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There are complaints that the pillow top mattress sinks in the middle. So what are pillow-top mattresses? A pillow top mattress is nothing but a normal mattress on which additional upholstery is stitched on top. It looks like a pillow is placed on top of the mattress. This provides additional plush comfort for the users of this mattress.

Why do Pillow top mattresses sink in the middle?

Newer mattresses last for a significantly shorter time than the older mattresses which used to last for 10-20 years. Mattresses these days last for only 7-8 years. There are several reasons given for this sinking in the middle.

  • Mattresses manufactured these days are lighter and use less coil and more foam to make them softer. This foam may not be always of good quality making them sink.
  • When we lie down on the mattress, we tend to lie down in the same position or same place on the mattress, which makes an impression on the mattress. Due to these reasons, the mattresses tend to sink over time.
  • Inadequate center support for the mattress is another reason for the pillow top mattresses sinking in the middle. Since the queen and king size mattresses are pretty large, they must have a strong center support to prevent sinking.
  • The box springs that are used to support the mattress may not contain any spring. They could be just metal or wooden frames. In some cases, the springs may be broken or damaged leading to the mattresses sinking in the middle.
  • Thicker mattresses like the pillow top mattresses tend to sink over time. Sometimes, the coil springs also weaken and will not spring back to its original position causing the mattresses to sink.
  • Finally, the material that is there in the top layer may shift and create a ridge or hump on the mattress.

Maintaining the Support and Comfort of Your Pillow Top Mattress

To prevent your pillow top mattress from sagging and ensure its longevity, consider implementing the following care tips:

  1. Rotate Your Mattress: Regularly rotate your pillow top mattress. This helps distribute the weight more evenly across the entire surface, preventing specific areas from wearing out faster than others.
  2. Flip the Mattress (if applicable): If your pillow top mattress is double-sided or flippable, consider flipping it occasionally. This helps in preventing uneven compression and sagging in specific spots.
  3. Use a Mattress Topper : Adding a mattress topper can provide an extra layer of support and help distribute body weight more evenly. Opt for a high-quality topper that complements the comfort level of your pillow top mattress.
  4. Invest in a Mattress Protector: Use a mattress protector to shield your mattress from spills, stains, and dirt. A protector can help maintain the mattress’s structural integrity, preventing sagging caused by moisture or other contaminants.
  5. Optimal Support from the Bed Frame: Ensure that your mattress is well-supported by a sturdy and appropriate bed frame or foundation. A sagging or insufficient foundation can contribute to mattress wear and tear.
  6. Avoid Sitting on the Edge: Discourage sitting on the edge of your mattress consistently, as this concentrated weight over time can lead to sagging along the perimeter.
  7. Check Your Box Spring (if applicable): If your mattress sits on a box spring, ensure that it is in good condition. An old or worn-out box spring can compromise the support of your mattress.
  8. Maintain a Consistent Sleeping Surface: Try to sleep on the entire surface of the mattress rather than favoring one particular area. Consistent use of a specific spot can lead to sagging over time.
  9. Follow Manufacturer Guidelines: Adhere to the care and maintenance guidelines provided by the mattress manufacturer. This may include specific instructions on flipping, rotating, and cleaning your pillow top mattress.
  10. Avoid Jumping or Rough Handling: Minimize any activities that involve jumping or rough handling on the mattress. Such actions can accelerate wear and contribute to sagging.

A few FAQs

Can we fix the sinking in the pillow top mattress that sinks in the middle?

One of the easiest ways to fix the sinking is to put a few flat pillows in places where the mattress sinks. Putting the mattress on the floor might also prevent the mattress from sinking.

What are the precautions that we can take to prevent the pillow top mattress from sinking in the middle?

Regularly flipping or rotating the mattress may help in retaining the shape of the mattress for a long time though some manufacturers claim that their mattresses do not require flipping. A good box spring or metal support under the mattress can protect the mattress and extend its life.

Are the warranty terms applicable for the pillow top mattress?

Usual warranty terms are for 10 years. It is the pillow top mattresses that are plush or super plush that have the maximum amount of sinking. The sinking in firm mattresses is relatively low. The manufacturers usually replace a mattress only if it has sunk 1 ½ to 2 inches. They will also not replace stained mattresses. So it is very important to go through the warranty terms thoroughly before buying a mattress.

FAQ on Memory Foam Mattress Sinking in the Middle

Q1: Why does my memory foam mattress sink in the middle? A1: Memory foam mattresses can sink in the middle over time due to the gradual breakdown of the foam’s structure. This breakdown is often caused by the constant pressure and weight applied to the mattress, particularly in the center where most people tend to sleep.

Q2: Is a sinking middle a common issue with memory foam mattresses? A2: Yes, it is a common issue, especially with lower-quality or older memory foam mattresses. However, the severity and onset of sinking can vary depending on factors like mattress quality, usage, and the weight of sleepers.

Q3: Can the sinking in the middle of a memory foam mattress be prevented? A3: While it can’t be entirely prevented, you can take steps to minimize the chances of a sinking middle. Invest in a high-quality memory foam mattress with the appropriate density and thickness to ensure better durability and support. Additionally, rotating and flipping the mattress regularly can help distribute weight more evenly.

Q4: How can I fix a memory foam mattress with a sinking middle? A4: There are several methods to address this issue. You can try placing a mattress topper or an insert under the sagging area to provide additional support. Another option is to flip or rotate the mattress if it’s reversible. However, for a long-term solution, consider replacing your mattress with a higher-quality one.

Q5: What should I look for in a memory foam mattress to avoid a sinking middle? A5: When purchasing a memory foam mattress, pay attention to the foam’s density and thickness. Opt for a mattress with higher density foam as it tends to be more durable and less prone to sagging. Researching customer reviews and choosing a reputable brand can also help you find a mattress less likely to develop a sinking middle.

Q6: How long can I expect a memory foam mattress to last before experiencing a sinking middle? A6: The lifespan of a memory foam mattress varies depending on factors like mattress quality, usage, and maintenance. However, with proper care and a high-quality mattress, you can typically expect it to last between 7 to 10 years or even longer without significant sagging.

Q7: Are there any warranties that cover sinking in memory foam mattresses? A7: Many memory foam mattress manufacturers offer warranties that cover issues like excessive sagging or indentations. Be sure to check the specific terms and conditions of your mattress warranty to see if it applies to your situation.