• Power Nap Like a Pro, Boost Your Energy & Other Overwhelming Benefits of Siesta

    Benefits of Power Naps – Siesta FACT : 20 minutes of mid day napping is more beneficial than 20 minute more sleep in the morning Body becomes tired after 8 hours of waking up. Think About it. We sleep  8 hours a day and work efficiently for the first half of our day. What if…

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  • 7 Things to do Just before bed Time

    Anxiety is a problem with many people especially during bed time. It’s during bed time that we think about a lot of things from how someone treated you at 10 am in the morning and how the food tasted bad at the restaurant. Evenings are always flooding with thoughts and most often its thoughts about…

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  • Relax. Breathe Your Anxiety Out and other Tips To sleep Better When Stressed or Anxious.

    An Article on Psychiatric Times is the best-detailed version of what and how sleep is affected by stress and anxiety. If you are not one who enjoys reading the thesis and medical papers, I recommend that you print it out and read it in bed. I swear by Hypnos, The god of sleep and the…

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  • Best Temperature to Sleep

    Adequate and restful sleep is a fundamental pillar of overall health and well-being. It contributes to physical and mental rejuvenation, enhances cognitive functions, and supports emotional balance. In the pursuit of a good night’s sleep, various factors come into play, and one often underestimated element is the ambient temperature of the sleeping environment. The role…

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  • Best mattress for posture

    A mattress serves as a fundamental component of our daily lives, contributing not only to the quality of our sleep but also to the overall health of our musculoskeletal system. As we spend a significant portion of our lives in bed, the importance of choosing the right mattress cannot be overstated. One crucial aspect where…

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  • Why my bed is killing my lower back

    A few months ago, I found myself grappling with persistent lower back pain that seemed to defy all logic. As someone who maintains an active lifestyle and practices good posture, I was perplexed by the source of my discomfort. It wasn’t until I started reflecting on my daily routines that I realized the likely culprit:…

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  • Different Bedtime Routines: Navigating Sleep Disruptions in Relationships

    Understanding Sleep Disruptions in Relationships Sleep disruptions can be intricate challenges that weave into the fabric of a relationship. These disruptions may stem from divergent sleep patterns, disparate bedtime routines, or environmental factors that demand thoughtful consideration and a collaborative approach. Sleep Hygiene: Building Healthy Bedtime Habits The foundation of quality sleep lies in effective…

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  • Navigating the Night: How Bed Hogging Affects Sleep in Partners

    A peaceful night’s sleep is essential for overall well-being, but for many couples, the bedroom can become a battleground. One common culprit disrupting this sanctuary of rest is bed hogging – a phenomenon that goes beyond simply stealing the covers. In this article, we’ll explore the impact of bed hogging on sleep quality and its…

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  • Unveiling the Science Behind Sleeping Naked

    Sleeping naked, a practice that transcends cultures and generations, has been associated with numerous benefits for both physical and mental well-being. As explored by various sources, including Healthline, Sleep Foundation, and WebMD, here are some key advantages: Definition and Practice of Sleeping Naked Sleeping naked is the act of abstaining from wearing clothing during sleep,…

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  • Sleep Wellness: Ayurveda Massage Techniques for Serene Nights

    The Indian traditional medical system known as Ayurveda considers sleep to be essential to general health. Ayurveda believes that massage, when done properly with the appropriate techniques and oils, can help promote better sleep in numerous ways. Nervous System Relaxation: The nervous system is calmed by Ayurvedic massage, especially Abhyanga (self-massage) with heated oils. The…

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  • Poppy Seeds for Better Sleep: Ayurvedic Insights and Natural Solutions

    In the realm of holistic well-being, Ayurveda has stood the test of time as a beacon of ancient wisdom. Among its myriad offerings, poppy seeds emerge as a discreet yet potent remedy for sleep-related woes. Our journey into the profound insights of Ayurveda delves into the profound effects of poppy seeds on sleep, promising a…

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  • Milk, Sleep, Science and Ayurveda

    In Ayurveda, sleep is an integral part of maintaining overall health and well-being. Ayurveda recognizes the importance of quality sleep for the balance of the three doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—which are fundamental energies or principles that govern various physiological and psychological functions in the body. Here’s a brief overview of how Ayurveda classifies sleep: In…

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