• Why do hotel mattresses feel so good

    Its no surprise that most people love their stay in hotels. Apart from the great ambience most hotels provide, its the mattress which is always of particular interest to most guests. People who just stay the night in a hotel expect a good sleep and care very little for the ambience. If the Mattress is…

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  • Is the Online Mattress Industry Failing? (2024 Update)

    2020 was a challenging year for most businesses, but online businesses thrived. The mattress industry, predominantly a brick-and-mortar retail sector, has shown an increasing online presence since 2015. After the pandemic, the online mattress industry should have stayed stable, but there seems to be a downward trend. Today(2023), more online mattress companies are closing down.…

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  • Top 10 Sleep Myths Debunked : Unveiling the Mysteries of Sleep

    In the world of sleep, myths abound like shadows in the night. Misconceptions about sleep have persisted for generations, leading many to make decisions that impact their nightly rest. But fear not, for in this article, we shine a light on the top 10 sleep myths, dispelling the darkness that surrounds them. Prepare to uncover…

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  • How to Sleep When Chronic Pain Won’t Let You

    Chronic pain, the relentless companion that often invades our lives, can turn the simple act of sleep into an arduous battle. As the minutes tick away, the pursuit of rest can seem like an elusive dream. In this article, we embark on a journey to reclaim those peaceful nights, shedding light on the path to…

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  • Optimizing Mattress Longevity Through Proper Care, Maintenance, and Support Systems

    Your mattress is not just a place to sleep; it’s an investment in your well-being. In this detailed guide, we explore the essential elements that contribute to the longevity of your mattress— from the right care and maintenance practices to the crucial role of bases, foundations, and frames. Discover how these factors work in harmony…

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  • The Link Between Sleep Deficiency and Increased Diabetes Risk in Women

    Chronic sleep deficiency has long been associated with various health risks, and a recent study funded by the National Institutes of Health sheds light on its specific impact on women, especially postmenopausal women. The study, published in Diabetes Care, reveals that insufficient sleep can significantly increase insulin resistance in women, highlighting a modifiable risk factor…

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  • How pregnancy affects sleep

    Pregnancy can have a significant impact on a woman’s sleep patterns and quality of sleep. These changes are primarily due to the physical and hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy. Here are some common ways in which pregnancy affects sleep: Tips to Mitigate Sleep Disturbances during pregnancy Also Read the article on The best Memory…

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  • One in 5 Children Takes Melatonin Supplements for Sleep, Raises Concerns About Long-Term Safety

    In a recent study published in JAMA Pediatrics, it was revealed that one in five school-aged children and preteens now relies on melatonin supplements to aid in falling asleep. The research, conducted by experts from the Sleep and Development Lab at the University of Colorado Boulder, surveyed approximately 1,000 parents during the first half of…

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  • How to Clean a Memory Foam Mattress After Bedwetting

    Bedwetting, a common occurrence in both children and adults, can pose quite a challenge, especially when it comes to cleaning a memory foam mattress. Memory foam mattresses are known for their comfort and support, but they are also notorious for their sensitivity to moisture. In this guide, we will delve into the meticulous process of…

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  • Sleep Calculator

    In our fast-paced world, where every second counts, sleep often takes a back seat. We underestimate the impact of inadequate sleep on our health and productivity. Enter the sleep calculator, a powerful tool designed to help you optimize your sleep patterns. In this article, we’ll explore what a sleep calculator is, how it works, and…

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  • Mattress Comparison

    A good night’s sleep is essential for our overall well-being, and the foundation of quality sleep lies in finding the perfect mattress. With the myriad of options available in the market, choosing the right mattress can be a daunting task. Fortunately, we understand the importance of a well-informed decision when it comes to your sleep…

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  • The Power of Sleep: Why Choosing Rest Over Sitting Benefits Heart Health

    In a world that increasingly values sedentary activities, a recent cross-sectional study sheds light on a surprising yet significant finding: sleeping may be better for your heart health than sitting. The study, conducted by researchers at University College London’s Institute of Sport, Exercise and Health, and department of targeted intervention, suggests that replacing 30 minutes…

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  • Best King-Size Mattress on a Budget – $300-$1000

    When it comes to finding the best king-sized mattress on a budget, you don’t have to compromise on comfort and quality. We understand the importance of a good night’s sleep, and that’s why we’ve curated a list of recommended brands that offer both affordability and luxury. In this article, we’ll introduce you to some of…

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  • How to Extend the Lifespan of Your Mattress: Maintenance and Care Tips

    The average Life Expectancy of a mattress is 8 years. Lifespan of a mattress depends on the usage, The material and the construction. You can expect anywhere between 5 to 10 years as the average life of a mattress. A good Latex mattress will last you 10 years while a poorly constructed mattress may last…

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  • What are Bed Risers and Are They Safe?

    When it comes to furnishing our bedrooms, we often seek creative solutions to maximize space and increase comfort. Bed risers have become increasingly popular for achieving these goals. They are practical and space-saving accessories designed to elevate the height of a bed, providing various benefits. However, before investing in bed risers, it’s essential to understand…

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  • The Ultimate Guide to Bedding: Everything You Need for a Luxurious Night’s Sleep

    When it comes to achieving a peaceful and comfortable night’s sleep, your choice of bedding plays a pivotal role. The right bedding not only enhances the aesthetics of your bedroom but also ensures that you wake up refreshed and rejuvenated every morning. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore every aspect of bedding, from sheets…

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  • Coping with sleep deprivation as a new parent

    Dealing with sleep loss as a new parent might be one of the most difficult elements of adapting to life with a child. The birth of a baby elicits immense happiness and affection within a family, however it also begins a phase of significant transformation and adaptation. One of the most prevalent and persistent issues…

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  • 7 Tips for Better Sleep – Naturally

    Acquiring knowledge about the diverse elements that impact our sleep is critical in our pursuit of a restorative slumber. This extensive manual examines a variety of approaches, encompassing relaxation techniques and lifestyle modifications, that are intended to improve the quality and duration of sleep. Explore the reciprocal association between physical activity and restful slumber, the…

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  • Best Mattress for Seniors with Arthritis

    Arthritis is a common condition that affects the joints, causing pain, stiffness, swelling, and reduced mobility. It can interfere with the quality and quantity of sleep, which can worsen the symptoms and affect overall health and well-being. Choosing the right mattress can make a big difference in how comfortable and rested you feel in the…

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  • Latex Mattress & Pillow Allergy Symptoms & Causes

    We will begin this article by defining what exactly is latex. Latex is a natural product which is a milky, sticky colloid extracted from the bark of the rubber tree (hevea brasiliensis). This latex among other ingredients consists of various types of proteins some of which are thought to be the cause of Latex Mattress…

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